Koji su rani znaci demencije ?
Demencija je izraz koji opisuje niz simptoma koji utiču na kognitivne funkcije osobe, uključujući i njihovu sposobnost da misle, da…
Svet Medicine na dlanu
Demencija je izraz koji opisuje niz simptoma koji utiču na kognitivne funkcije osobe, uključujući i njihovu sposobnost da misle, da…
MEDICAL WORDS IN THE NEWS taken from Medical News Today What are the early signs of dementia? Dementia is a…
Antioksidansi su prirodni molekuli koji se mogu naći u nekim namirnicama koje pomažu neutralizaciju slobodnih radikala u našem telu. Slobodni…
Novo kliničko testiranje je pokazalo da kombinovanje antidepresiva sa antipsihotičkim lekovima može poboljšati stanje kliničke depresije kod starijih odraslih pacijenata,…
Transplanting cells into livers has the potential to completely regenerate them, say scientists. The Medical Research Council team showed severely…
A major cause of premature birth – where waters break too soon, triggering labour – may be caused by specific…
If everyone over the age of 50 ate an apple a day, 8,500 deaths from heart attacks and strokes could…
An anti-tuberculosis vaccine could prevent multiple sclerosis, early research suggests. A small-scale study by researchers at the Sapienza University of…
The rhinovirus is one of the many viruses that can cause the common cold Viruses are infectious micro-organisms that require…
Dogs with the bleeding disorder haemophilia A have been successfully treated by gene therapy, according to US scientists. Two of…